A Viewing Marathon

I have recently added the following reviews:

Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom


Grade: C+

47 Ronin

47 ronin

Grade: D-

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Anchorman 2

Grade: C+

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Grade: C

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street

Grade: A-

Obviously, the last is the highlight. It is also one of the best films of 2013, and will almost certainly factor into my final Top Ten, whenever I publish it. I highly recommend The Wolf of Wall Street.

In With the Old . . . And the New

I have recently added the following reviews:



Grade: F



Grade: C

Additionally, I have decided to view some past movies that have escaped my attention too long. You can find my deliberately short reviews in the Yesteryear section, if you’re curious. So far it only includes three movies (The Birds, Anchorman and Night of the Living Dead), but I’ll keep adding to it.

It’s Cold Out

I’ve added the following review:



Grade: A-

Why only one this time? I’m about to endeavor seeing a handful of foreign films, most notably The Hunt, and Frozen doesn’t fit their category. Besides, I really like this movie, so highlighting it can’t be bad.